
  • Well done Ryan!

    July 10, 2024
    We want to congratulate Ryan for successfully defending his thesis on “Identifying Functional Metabolic Guilds: A Computational Approach to Classifying Heterotrophic Diversity in the Marine System“. Well done 👏! We are happy to have him with us a little longer as a PostDoc in Levine’s group 🤗 […]

  • Congratulations Astrid!

    July 2, 2024
    Astrid joined PriME three years ago to pursue her PhD in the Schubert/Ackermann group. She investigated the role of contact-dependent killing between oceanic microbes by using genomic, transcriptomic, and imaging data from a lab example as well as by studying metagenomes and metatranscriptomes from complex oceanic microbial communities. She recently successfully defended her thesis on […]

  • Welcome Kate!

    June 10, 2024
    We are excited to welcome Kate Evans onboard! Kate recently joined PriME as a new PostDoc in the Levine’s lab. As a biogeochemist, she will investigate how carbon flux and metabolism vary across different scales, using modeling techniques. Looking forward to working with you!   […]

  • Congratulations Ghita!

    June 3, 2024
    Ghita joined PriME five years ago to pursue her PhD in the Hwa’s lab. Her project focused on characterizing the mechanisms that lead to chitin degradation combining quantitative microbiology experiments with mathematical modeling. She recently successfully defended her thesis on “Life in structuredenvironments: colonization, growth and dispersal of bacterial populations”concluding her journey in PriME. Thank […]

  • Ha­gen re­ceives the BRIESE Prize for Mar­ine Re­search 2023!

    May 24, 2024
    Hagen received the BRIESE Prize 2023 for his groundbreaking research on the long-lasting sugar polymers produced by brown algae, which act as efficient carbon sinks. His dissertation, awarded ‘summa cum laude,’ overcame significant analytical challenges to reveal the climate-protecting potential of these carbohydrates. Read more about Hagen’s project and the Prize here! […]

  • PriME EU regional meeting 2024

    April 5, 2024
    The four PriME European labs (Stocker, Schubert/Ackermann, Sauer, Hehemann) gathered for an engaging two-day meeting in Zurich. It was amazing to see the progression of ideas generated at last year’s regional meeting into ongoing collaborative projects among different labs.The mixed format, comprising presentations and interactive brainstorming sessions, proved successful once again. Thank you all participants […]

  • Goodbye Xiaoyu

    February 2, 2024
    We say good bye to Xiaoyu, who successfully completed his PhD on ecology and evolution in microbial communities in the group of Otto Cordero at the MIT. He will start a PostDoc in Dianne Newman’s lab at The California Institute of Technology in California and will keep working on microbes. We wish him all the […]

  • Goodbye Noelle and Zach 👋

    December 21, 2023
    A warm farewell to two long-time PriME members Noelle and Zach. Thank you for your work in PriME and all the best for your next steps! […]

  • David Spergel visited PriME at ETH 

    November 21, 2023
      The astrophysicist and President of the Simons Foundation, Dr. David Spergel, visited us on November 21st. PriME members from our group as well as those from the Schubert/Ackermann and the Sauer lab welcomed him, providing hands-on demonstrations and presentations of our ongoing research on marine microbial ecosystems. The visit wrapped up with a round-table […]

  • Congratulations Shep!

    November 14, 2023
    Congratulations Shep! Shep, from the Moran group, successfully navigated his PhD journey by defending the thesis “Metabolite transport and its role in marine microbial interactions“. 👏🥳 Happy that you will be continuing your research on microbes in PriME in the Orphan’s lab from 2024 😃 […]