Leonardo Pacciani-Mori

PostDoc | UC San Diego | [email protected]


I graduated with a B.S./M.S at the University of Padua, Italy. I have also completed my PhD there, under the supervision of Prof. Amos Maritan. My primary research focus was on biodiversity in purely competitive microbial communities. In particular, I studied how the ability of microbes to switch between different nutrients could increase the biodiversity of competitive communities, beyond the limits normally imposed by models. During my PhD, I spent a six-month visiting period at Harvard University, working in the groups of Andrew Murray and David Nelson under the supervision of Andrea Giometto. This experience made me realize that I wanted to not only work on theory, but also perform experiments. It is also for this reason that I’ve joined Terence Hwa’s lab at UCSD. My current research interests include understanding the relationship between microbial proteome allocation and ecology, and studying the interplay between cross-feeding and aggregation in marine microbial communities

Research Interests

Ecology, Physiology

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Leonardo Pacciani-Mori